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Koby Huberman

Koby Huberman is a high-tech veteran, business strategist and a leader of civil society initiatives. 


He is the CEO 0f Strategic Landscapes Ltd., which specializes in advising high-tech companies on business development and growth strategies - in IT, cyber, cloud technologies, AI and Big-Data, Agritech, Food, Aviation and Satellite companies.


As an entrepreneur of civil society initiatives he has spent more than 20 years launching and driving transformational social change efforts, especially between Jews and Arabs in Israel and in the Middle-East region.


Between 2007-2010, together with Yuval Rabin, he co-authored the Israeli Peace Initiative (IPI), as a first-ever Israeli response to the Arab Peace Initiative (API). In 2010 He co-founded “Yisrael Yozemet” (the Israeli Regional Initiative Group), to promote a new horizon for the Israeli-Arab conflict: a "Regional Package Deal" to create 2 states solution as part of a “Regional Framework" in the spirit of the API and IPI. 


The IRI Group focuses on building quiet and dedicated confidential dialogue roundtables between Israeli, Palestinian and regional interlocutors, in order to promote diplomatic innovation, and leverage the Abraham Accords towards regional cooperation and progress towards the two-states solution.


The IRI Group initiatives led to building “Regionomix” – a strategic framework to develop the Middle-East economies, co-created with 25 businessmen and economists from 8 countries in the region, which was presented to the Trump team in 2017 as a basis for regional economic peace.


Another key initiative is MENA2050, which brings together 80+ regional influencers from 19 countries in the region to promote regional cooperation. MENA2050 is building a regional policy and project center, a regional leadership academy for young leaders and regional media center.


Koby has a BA in Economics and Management, and an MA in Philosophy. He is married and a father of four, and a grandfather of one.

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